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Music Room

Enable the Music Room

Open kit_options.rpy and locate the following line:

define music_room.enabled = False

Replace False with True. It should now look like this:

define music_room.enabled = True

Add music to the Music Room

Locate the following line:

define music_room.tracks = []

Add items to the list in the following format, seperated by commas:

{"name": "Music Name", "file": "audio/music_name.mp3"}

Here, Music Name should be replaced with the name of the music that will be displayed to the user, and audio/music_name.mp3 should be replaced with location of the music file in the game directory. An example of a list of music files would look like this:

define music_room.tracks = [
{"name": "First Track", "file": "audio/music/first_track.ogg"},
{"name": "Second Track", "file": "audio/music/second_track.wav"},
{"name": "Sound Effect", "file": "audio/sfx/sound_effect.mp3"}

Unlocking all music tracks

By default, music tracks only show up in the Music Room if the player has heard the audio file at least once. If you want all tracks to show up regardless of whether the player has heard them yet, locate the following line:

define music_room.unlocked = True

Replace False with True. It should now look like this:

define music_room.unlocked = True